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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian's Regular Press Conference on October 12, 2021
2021-10-12 18:45


CCTV: President Xi just attended the leaders' summit of the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity and delivered an important speech, calling on the international community to strengthen cooperation and build a shared future for all life on Earth. Could you offer more details?


Zhao Lijian: This afternoon, President Xi Jinping attended the leaders' summit of the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Kunming, Yunnan and delivered an important speech, demonstrated the demeanor and responsibility of China as the host and a major country, and identified the target and direction for global biodiversity governance in the future. This receives high appraisal and warm response from the international community.


At present, there exists an acceleration of the global extinction of species. The loss of biodiversity and the degradation of the ecosystem pose a major risk to human survival and development. Against the backdrop of continuous spreading of COVID-19, how to achieve green recovery and sustainable development is a major question for all.


At the leaders' summit, President Xi elaborated with great vision the question of the times on what kind of a shared future for all life on Earth humanity should build. He proposed to build a planet featuring the harmonious coexistence of man and Nature, coordinated advancement of economy and environment and common development of all countries, which sets an ambitious goal for global biodiversity protection.


President Xi also gave his answer to the hard question of how to build a shared future for all life on Earth. First, we need to take the development of ecological civilization as our guide to coordinate the relationship between men and Nature; second, we should let green transition drive our effort to facilitate global sustainable development; third, we shall concentrate on bettering people's wellbeing to promote social equity and justice; fourth, we shall take international law as the basis to uphold a fair and equitable international governance system. All these proposals have identified the pathways for global biodiversity governance and contributed China's wisdom and proposition.


As President Xi Jinping noted, as long as we press ahead with perseverance, a bright future will beckon. Taking this COP15 in Kunming as a new starting point, China stands ready to work with all parties to take concrete actions and jointly build a shared future for all life on Earth.


The Global Times: The "witness cost" of the so-called "Uyghur Tribunal" and the share among the "witnesses" were recently exposed on foreign social media platforms. What is your comment?