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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin's Regular Press Conference on September 2, 2021
2021-09-02 19:38

Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council, will attend the opening ceremony of the Taiyuan Energy Low Carbon Development Forum 2021 via video conference and deliver a keynote speech on September 3.

At the invitation of the French government, Premier of the State Council Li Keqiang will attend and address the opening ceremony of the 7th World Conservation Congress via video conference in Beijing on September 3.

This Congress is held jointly by the French government and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) under the theme "One Nature, One Future".

People's Daily: According to reports, the WHO plans to deliver 100 million doses of Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines by the end of September to regions including Africa and Asia for the first time. Can you confirm this? Could you share more information on China providing vaccines through COVAX?

Wang Wenbin: China has been actively supporting and taking part in COVAX, and committed to promoting the accessibility and affordability of COVID vaccines in developing countries. After Sinopharm and Sinovac vaccines were approved by WHO for emergency use in the first half of 2021, relevant companies immediately acted to safeguard production and had consultations with GAVI on vaccine supply, adding the vaccines to the COVAX Facility portfolio in July. According to the purchase agreements, the two Chinese companies will provide 110 million doses to COVAX by the end of October, and the latter will determine the specific distribution plan after taking into full consideration of the demand of countries. In the meantime, the two sides have reached the intent on long-term vaccine supply in the years to come and are in discussions for the specific time and plan of future supply. As we understand, the first batch of around nine million doses have been delivered to Pakistan and Bangladesh in early August. Another nearly 30 million doses will soon start to be shipped to developing countries including Algeria, Côte d'Ivoire, Niger, Kyrgyzstan and Venezuela. This is another concrete step China has taken to fulfill its pledge to make the vaccines a global public good, promote equitable distribution and boost global anti-epidemic efforts.

At the first meeting of the International Forum on COVID-19 Vaccine Cooperation not long ago, President Xi Jinping announced that China will strive to provide 2 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses to the world throughout this year and offer $100 million to COVAX for the distribution of vaccines to developing countries. China will continue to make contributions to equitable access for developing countries. We also call on capable countries to support developing countries and help them acquire vaccines with concrete measures at an early date, and contribute to an early victory over the pandemic.

Xinhua News Agency: We noted that recent mainstream Russian media reports say that China's efforts to strengthen market regulation will help foster a stable and favorable business environment in the long term and promote sustained and sound economic growth, and won't affect the appeal of the China market. Do you have any comment on this?

Wang Wenbin: Since the beginning of this year, China has continued to consolidate and expand the outcomes of COVID-19 prevention and control and socioeconomic development and achieved steady economic recovery while consolidating the positive momentum, demonstrating strong resilience and vitality. This has offered strong impetus for the world economy to return to the right track, regain confidence and resume growth. Meanwhile, to address the prominent issue of unchecked and disorderly expansion of some platform companies, the Chinese government has stepped up anti-monopoly regulation and taken lawful actions to crack down on monopoly and unfair competition behaviors. Efforts to curb disorderly expansion of capital have shown initial results and the order of fair competition is steadily improving.

The market regulatory measures taken in accordance with law by the Chinese government will help foster a market environment for fair competition, create broad space for the growth of all types of market entities, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises, and better protect the rights and interests of consumers. The Chinese government is committed to improving mechanisms for fair competition, reforming market regulation system, strengthening anti-monopoly regulation, working to build a high-standard market system that is unified and open with orderly competition, and foster a law-based international business environment that is more market-oriented. These efforts will ultimately benefit all investors, operators and consumers.

I would also like to stress that China's determination to open up will not waver and our door will only open wider. As an important destination for foreign investment, China attracted 4.5% more FDI last year despite the 40% drop in foreign investment globally. During the first half of 2021, FDI into the Chinese mainland in actual use surged 28.7% year-on-year. Foreign investors stay optimistic about the prospects of the China market. Going forward, we will continue to facilitate foreign businesses' investment and operation in China, and share the dividends of China's reform and development.

Bloomberg: First, the South China Morning Post reported that John Kerry will meet with Yang Jiechi today. Could you comment on that, and if possible, tell us what their agenda might be? Second question, the European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday adopted a report that urged the EU to begin work on a bilateral investment agreement with Taiwan. It also suggested that the bloc rename its trade office in Taipei to the "European Union Office in Taiwan". Does the foreign ministry have a comment on this?

Wang Wenbin: On your first question, please stay tuned. We'll release information in due course.

With regard to your second question, the Chinese Mission to the EU has released a statement. The so-called "EU-Taiwan Political Relations and Cooperation" report concocted by the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs gravely violates the basic norms governing international relations, the one-China principle and the commitment on the Taiwan question made openly by the EU upon establishment of diplomatic relations with China. We strongly condemn and firmly reject it.

We urge the relevant committee and members of the European Parliament to immediately correct their wrong words and actions concerning Taiwan to avoid further damage to China-EU mutual trust and cooperation. The EU side is advised not to underestimate the Chinese people's firm resolve, unwavering will and strong capability to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity and immediately cease all provocations and confrontational moves.

RIA Novosti: Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov said yesterday that Russia plans to convene a new meeting with the United States, China and Pakistan in Kabul after the situation there stabilized. Has China discussed this meeting with Russia and other sides? Who will represent China there?

Wang Wenbin: A proper settlement of the Afghan issue is impossible without the participation and support of the international community. There are many multilateral mechanisms related to Afghanistan that are reinforcing one another with their own features and priorities. China has maintained close coordination with relevant sides on the Afghan issue. And China and Russia stay in deep and strong strategic communication and collaboration at all levels. Under the new circumstances, China will continue to work with the international community for an early soft-landing of the situation in Afghanistan and Kabul, and jointly help Afghanistan to end chaos, restore order, and achieve peace and reconstructio